Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

We are off to do our bloodwork in the morning. Thankfully my husband J's insurance covers the cost. Who knew that blood tests could run upwards of 2K just to get the IVF process going. Poor J was griping about the needle......they have it so blood test and a trip to the happy room for the contribution....jeez this is why men do not give birth! All joking aside I never get any complaints from my sweet guy...heres a picture of us btw!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25, 2011

Just returned from ladies night at Melting Pot with my youngest daughter "M". It was a great time. Talking, laughing and just relaxing. Much needed after several phone calls for all my IVF scheduling. I will update in more detail later but right now I need to injest my poisionous birth control pill......

Sunday, January 23, 2011

January 23, 2011

So as I wait for IVF to begin I do what I always do when I'm tackled with a challenge. I read, read, and read some more. My youngest daughter has type 1 diabetes and when she was initially diagnosed my way to cope was to read as much and as many books as I could on the condition. I guess it makes me feel more at ease when I have somewhat of an understanding of what is occurring.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

January 22, 2011

I had my baseline ultrasound on Monday and as usual I have cysts on both ovaries along with a thick lining. The tech asked me if I had done a pregnancy test as she was scanning at which point I almost fell off the table..."Why....What do you see?" Nothing she replies its just that cysts and a thick lining are indicative of pregancy. Huh I wanted to punch her...why would i do a pregnancy test? This is a cycle day three ultrasound..CYCLE...did she miss that word on my chart? Why would I poas if I am having my period? Jeez lady didnt they tell you that you work in a fertility clinic and people are vulnerable and we read into anything that would even remotely fit us into the prego bunch!!!!

Ok I got that outta my system. So I got a call back yesterday from the nicest nurse at the clinic and she went over the plethora of medicines that I will need to start taking...which by the way is not included in the already insane price of the IVF. So I start BCP's on Monday for about 4 weeks and then another U/S to see if the cysts are gone and we can start the meds. I'm excited to be starting the process and also a little scared at the same time. This is it...these are the big guns..nothing left to try medically after this. Btw I got to start lovely prenatal vitamins this morning(thanks V)...I've included a picture..because how boring is a blog with no photos!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

I finally made the call to my RE to get the ball rolling on our first IVF. I guess I was hoping for a miracle BFP on this break cycle. Unfortunately I have my classic pms symptoms...backache, bloated belly and of course the prerequisite zit...great. I'm a little more bummed than usual. I guess I never thought that we would have to actually do IVF. Jeez and to think I actually snubbed my nose at people who did IVF..I thought they were playing god with science when it came to baby-making. I now understand the desperation and if the only option we have left is IVF then bring it on. I dread the day that I will have to mail the check for this POSSIBILITY of having a baby it really is an incredible amount of money and I think of all the other uses it could be put towards. But then I realize that I have a right to my own dreams and we can always make more money. Well I should be starting my dreaded AF any day now. Of course its going to torture me and be delayed simply because I want to get going on making some petri-dish babies!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4, 2011

How exciting! I have a blog!

I decided to create a blog to document our desire and struggle to have a baby. I am always asked by family and friends what the status of our quest is so this will alleviate the need to repeat my story over and over. Not that I mind reiterating but this just seems a little more efficient...and anyone how knows me knows that I am all about getting as much done as humanely possible in a day.
A little background info....

Met the man of my dreams....married him! He loves kids and is absolutely wonderful with them. I came to the conclusion that after years of avoiding anything remotely baby related that I wanted a little him/her of us both.

We have children from previous marriages...all three are the best. But we both want one together. I want to experience a child with someone whom desires it and would be an amazing dad.