It has been a while since I have posted. I cannot believe how fast the weeks are passing. A quick update of the past weeks. After finding out we had 2 babies we went back for another ultrasound 2 weeks later and we saw two sweet and they also discovered a third empty sac. That was a little scary!! The doctor found a good heart rate on baby A but baby b was an unreadable rate but still a flickering heart. He released me to my OB and said I was not out of the woods yet......jeez lighten up. I had my first ob appt at 9 weeks. They did a ultrasound as soon as we arrived. I was so nervous. I guess I knew that there might be a chance of no baby b. The ob only found one viable A. Baby B had already begun to be absorbed....I hate to think of it that way. The third sac was still empty. Needless to say I was stunned and for a while I thought that maybe she just did the us to fast and missed b.
We were scheduled to come back for the nt scan at 11 weeks...something new to worry about! Turns out our little babies fold is perfect and he was face down with his arms and legs cute!! J and I smiled all day about it!!
Today I am 12 weeks and feeling so thankful to have reached this point. We go back in four more weeks for the gender fun!!!!!!