Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No more................

Here is my list of NO MORE's

Birth control pills (finished last one yesterday)
Coffee ( I had a constant headache for the first 4 days)
Tea (love my organic green mint tea..)
Raw food
Bare feet (not a big deal..I'm to OCD to walk around barefooted)
Hot baths (this is killing me..I'm taking lukewarm baths and they suck)

And here is my list of MORE'S

Prenatal vitamins (the lingering after taste is enough to make you barf)
Lipoic Acid (recommended by my embryologist)
Co Q 10 (again embryologist)
Doxycycline (fight infection)both J and I (btw J has been sick since starting them)
Acupuncture(twice a week)

So I have everything all organized as far as what time to take which meds/pills/shot and I am certain that now that I am comfortable they will change it up on me.

I have another week of Lupron and then my baseline US. Not to stressed about it.

We opted for a multi-cycle program. We get 4 tries...2 fresh IVF cycles and 2 FET's. So I have resigned myself to 2 IVF's if we are lucky and a sheer miracle if we have anything to freeze. I had a time attempting to figure out exactly what is considered a cyle for the program we are enrolled in. Of course I went round and round with them prior to enrolling. I do work for a law firm after all and know how all the juicy stuff is in the fine print. So after numerous phone calls and emails...because of course I want it in writing.....they finally admitted that a cycle begins at stim injections not lupron. So I can be cancelled after my US and it would not count as a cycle but once I start injecting the gonadtropins its considered a cycle. So even if I only have one egg I'm going to retreival darn it!!!!!

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