Its Tuesday and the big day(big day so far) is Friday for my baseline ultrasound and possible start of stims!
My stomach is black and blue from the Lupron shots and also my legs are in the same condition thanks to a friendly neighborhood bulldog. I'm quite a lovely sight! J and I have finished taking our antibiotics. Not much to post on...ready to get this show on the road.
I went to a website yesterday which is suppose to predict your actual chances of having IVF work..yeah should have stayed away from that one. I plugged in all my info/stats and I have a 14.7% chance....are you *ing kidding me. Think it was my age that did me in. So of course I had to tinker and tweak it a little. So I look young and I still have eggs according to my RE so I skimmed five years off my age and...........................
29.4% chance
Here is the link if anyone is interest. A friend from another site posted it.
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