Well medically speaking I have follicles which may or may not contain eggs. Had my second ultrasound this morning and I was very worried that I might have possibly over suppressed with the Lupron having never taken it before. And add that in conjunction with 6 weeks of BC pills and I thought my ovaries would have shut down for a long time. I did everything in slow motion this morning even getting undressed for the ultrasound. Its funny how the tech can be the person you love the most at the moment, or the sight of her makes you sick depending on the news.
So my lining is 8.5 which is good since I've had 2 visits from AF due to the Lupron. And I have 3 follicles on each ovary measuring between 10-12 with a bunch trailing behind. I am so happy!!! I was just praying for at least enough to get me to retrieval. Fingers crossed my E2 is climbing and I just might have a shot at this after all.
BTW thank goodness I had a good appt the lady in front of me had a trail of US pictures coming out of the techs room. Then she proceeded with "I have a question? Is my BABY here in the same position as this picture of my BABY?" Ok lady we all got it. Your having a baby!!! If you repeat it one more time I will honestly scream *uck you!!!!!! After my US another lady getting her blood taken is gushing on about her positive pee sticks the last 3 days...."lines were so dark...maybe more than one...do you think?" I think you should wait on your beta and keep it down because you are ruining my moment of happiness over my 6 little eggs!!!!!!
I called J to give him the report. "What only six...you had 22 for the IUI??? I had to explain that was at the time of HCG, we have just started with the stims on this one. Oh ok ....so I recount my story with the 2 annoying prego ladies and my sweet J says you should be happy for them and that I would have a banner flying if it were me. He of course is completely right. I would probably sit down with anyone in the waiting room and share my US pictures. I guess I can look at it also as my doc being so good at what he does that people are popping up pregnant left and right!
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