Monday, March 14, 2011

Maybe too many eggs?????

How is that even possible? I'm 42 for the love of God!

Anyways US yesterday showed a total of 43 follicles of which 14 are mature (over 15mm) and my E2 was 3200!

I am hoping that after this mornings US they will let me trigger tonight and schedule retrieval for Wednesday.

I am scared they will cancel me now due to possible OHSS..hopefully not!!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I have eggs..I have eggs....I have eggs!

Well medically speaking I have follicles which may or may not contain eggs. Had my second ultrasound this morning and I was very worried that I might have possibly over suppressed with the Lupron having never taken it before. And add that in conjunction with 6 weeks of BC pills and I thought my ovaries would have shut down for a long time. I did everything in slow motion this morning even getting undressed for the ultrasound. Its funny how the tech can be the person you love the most at the moment, or the sight of her makes you sick depending on the news.

So my lining is 8.5 which is good since I've had 2 visits from AF due to the Lupron. And I have 3 follicles on each ovary measuring between 10-12 with a bunch trailing behind. I am so happy!!! I was just praying for at least enough to get me to retrieval. Fingers crossed my E2 is climbing and I just might have a shot at this after all.

BTW thank goodness I had a good appt the lady in front of me had a trail of US pictures coming out of the techs room. Then she proceeded with "I have a question? Is my BABY here in the same position as this picture of my BABY?" Ok lady we all got it. Your having a baby!!! If you repeat it one more time I will honestly scream *uck you!!!!!! After my US another lady getting her blood taken is gushing on about her positive pee sticks the last 3 days...."lines were so dark...maybe more than you think?" I think you should wait on your beta and keep it down because you are ruining my moment of happiness over my 6 little eggs!!!!!!

I called J to give him the report. "What only had 22 for the IUI??? I had to explain that was at the time of HCG, we have just started with the stims on this one. Oh ok I recount my story with the 2 annoying prego ladies and my sweet J says you should be happy for them and that I would have a banner flying if it were me. He of course is completely right. I would probably sit down with anyone in the waiting room and share my US pictures. I guess I can look at it also as my doc being so good at what he does that people are popping up pregnant left and right!

Monday, March 7, 2011

So much for cool, calm, and relaxed!

That was my plan for these upcoming two weeks. Alot of laying around doing nada. Well so far my plan has been a major failure. My poor daughter M had to have emergency surgery on her appendix on Thursday. Have I ever mentioned when either of my girls are sick I am a raving lunatic. My oldest daughter N said that they should have sedated me on Thursday along with M !! So true. I remember when they were young and the very few times they became ill I was unbearable to be around...I just wanted them better!!!! So on top of the surgery I squeezed in my US appt the following morning at the crack of dawn. J stayed home with M....he's the best! Had my blood drawn then followed my date with the probe....yuck I will never get use to that thing. My lining was good but she still saw some fluid. Then came cyst one and on each ovary. They were small and the tech said....well they could be follicles...not really sure. HUH...are you ya think we could figure it out? I'm pretty sure that makes a big difference. Jeez so they send the pics over to the doc for review. Nurse calls back that evening and says to start stims! I'm so overjoyed I don't even bother to ask about my cysts/follicles. So I begin my stims reduce my Lupron and...............................

BLEEDING on Sunday and I am completely freaking out at this point. I leave a message for my nurse and wait. Well not actually wait...I google...bad idea. I know how bad it is to try to find an answer online but I cant help myself. I need an answer now! What if they cancel me? As soon as I took that first stim injection on Friday this counts as one try towards our multi-cycle attempts. Shit...Shit....Shit

Nurse calls back...its normal...from the Lupron...its just a nuisance really she states.

Nuisance....I almost had a break down in front of a client as I am going over his legal documents. Poor chap was so excited about the new hanger he was buying and all I could think about was I am bleeding which means my lining is getting thinner and it should be getting thicker..argggg Mr. Hanger man I do not care about your planes...I WANT A BABY!!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And so I wait..............

Its Tuesday and the big day(big day so far) is Friday for my baseline ultrasound and possible start of stims!
My stomach is black and blue from the Lupron shots and also my legs are in the same condition thanks to a friendly neighborhood bulldog. I'm quite a lovely sight! J and I have finished taking our antibiotics. Not much to post on...ready to get this show on the road.

I went to a website yesterday which is suppose to predict your actual chances of having IVF work..yeah should have stayed away from that one. I plugged in all my info/stats and I have a 14.7% chance....are you *ing kidding me. Think it was my age that did me in. So of course I had to tinker and tweak it a little. So I look young and I still have eggs according to my RE so I skimmed five years off my age and...........................

29.4% chance

Here is the link if anyone is interest. A friend from another site posted it.